The CoorsTek Research Fellowship has brought 19 extraordinary PhD candidates to Colorado School of Mines since CoorsTek and the Coors family established it in 2014.
Mines alum Stephen Sonnenberg ’81 led the most recent report of the Potential Gas Committee, with support from Cathy Farmer ’79, MS ’81.
The Mining Engineering Department has some big goals for the next five to 10 years to continue 150 years of university-industry synergy.
Edgar Mine is one of only five university-owned mines in U.S. — and the only one with a Wi-Fi-enabled underground classroom.
Braeton Smith MS ’14, PhD ’18 is an energy economist at Argonne National Laboratory and co-author of the U.S. Department of Energy’s new Critical Materials Assessment.
On the 150th anniversary of the Territorial Assembly establishing Colorado School of Mines as a publicly supported institute of higher education, the campus community came together to celebrate Mines' newest building, the 37,000-square-foot Labriola Innovation Hub.
Colorado School of Mines appears at No. 34 on U.S. News & World Report’s latest Best Online Programs rankings of master’s in engineering programs.
Kari Gonzales ’02 is the president and CEO of MxV Rail based in Pueblo, Colorado.
Let’s make the sesquicentennial edition of #idigmines Giving Day the most successful ever! 
Mines alumni Steve Sparkowich ’89 and Daniel Wright ’21 work on the inert anode team at the green steel startup Boston Metal.