
The Fifth International Design Competition and Forum held earlier this year as part of a research initiative between Colorado School of Mines and The Petroleum Institute, of Abu Dhabi, UAE, aimed to
Colorado School of Mines kicked off Delta Days, a week celebrating and promoting diversity, January 21. The week began observing Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with a faculty and staff breakfast. At the
Read more about Marquez Hall here.
When Kevin Moore was a young associate professor at Idaho State University, he used to wear a tie to off-campus research team meetings. One day a colleague asked, “Kevin, why do you always wear a tie
Exploration geologists can devote entire careers to searching for undiscovered mineral deposits without ever chalking up a find. But for those who do, it’s tremendously rewarding, and many go on to
This portable fire extinguisher is lightweight, inexpensive, non-toxic, recyclable, uses water more efficiently and is less damaging to structures and electronics than a typical sprinkler system.
Historically, Colorado School of Mines has been a leader in energy research and technology development. While that fact holds true, some of today’s researchers are forging new frontiers in areas not
October 2011 was an exciting month, not only for Mines, the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) and the state of Colorado, but for solar energy in general. Coming off the purchase of Colorado-based
He may have co-authored a textbook titled "The Art of Being a Scientist," but for Mines Geophysics Professor Roel Snieder, there is art in community service as well. Snieder, who is the W.M. Keck
Take raw sewage flowing from a major apartment complex. Send it through a 2 millimeter screen. Let a flora of microorganisms feast on it for a while. Filter it – this time through pores just 50