Celebration of the Mines campus transformed by donors

Alumni and other donors celebrated the successful completion of the Transforming Lives Campaign on October 7 with students, faculty and staff at an event in Lockridge Arena and with the launch of an impact website at campaign.mines.edu. The website highlights the overall success of the campaign and tells stories of transformational impact on the people of Mines.

President Paul Johnson hosted the appreciation event for more than 350 loyal donors. After six years, Mines has met and exceeded the Transforming Lives Campaign goals. Nearly half a billion dollars has been raised to support students, faculty, and programs and to propel Mines to the forefront of STEM-focused institutions. This is an unheard of fundraising feat for a small public school like Mines and a testament to the pride and dedication of our alumni, faculty, and industry supporters.

During dinner, Mines students and faculty traveled from table to table, serving up interactive presentations and stories about the doors of opportunity that were opened for their research, academics and lives thanks to donor support during the campaign.  

Guests enjoyed an inspirational video that explored the impact of generosity on the advancements that have happened on campus over the last six year as well as the investment in enhancing the student experience. The video can be seen on the website.

The four most recent Mines presidents and their wives attended the event to thank donors – Paul and Elyse Johnson, Bill and Karen Scoggins, John and Sharon Trefny and Ted and Frani Bickart. The volunteer leaders who spearheaded this campaign as co-chairs, Chuck Shultz and Tim Haddon, and Foundation Chairman David Wagner ended the evening with a champagne toast to the transformation at Mines.

Rachelle Trujillo, Foundation Marketing Communications Director rtrujillo@mines.edu
Anica Wong, Foundation Communications Specialist | 303-273-3904 | acwong@mines.edu

About Mines
Colorado School of Mines is a public R1 research university focused on applied science and engineering, producing the talent, knowledge and innovations to serve industry and benefit society – all to create a more prosperous future.