Colorado School of Mines to celebrate 88th Engineering Days

What do 7.5-mile walks, cardboard boats and epic fireworks have in common? It must be time for Engineering Days – also known as E-Days – Colorado School of Mines’ annual celebration of our unique history, traditions and unflappable Oredigger spirit. Among the events planned today through Saturday, April 23:
Ore Cart Pull
After a two-year pandemic hiatus, the Ore Cart Pull is back! Mines students pull an ore cart down West Colfax Avenue, from Lakewood all the way to Civic Center Park in downtown Denver, where an official proclamation is read declaring E-Days in the state of Colorado.
- When: 7:30 a.m. to noon Friday, April 22 (the group typically arrives in Civic Center around 11 a.m.)
- Where: West Colfax Avenue (route starts at Robb Street in Lakewood, ends at Civic Center Park in Denver)

Cardboard Boat Races
On Saturday morning, spectators will be lining the banks of Clear Creek in downtown Golden to catch a glimpse of some engineering marvels in action: (mostly) seaworthy boats made entirely of cardboard. Duct tape is allowed, but only as an adhesive, not as a waterproofing material.
- When: 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 23
- Where: Clear Creek (near Lions Park), Golden
Capping off the weekend’s celebrations is an all-aerial fireworks display on Saturday night, visible from locations around Golden. The fireworks show, designed in part by Mines alumni, has been said to be one of the most “epic” displays of its kind. This year, the public is also invited to watch from the Mines campus. Members of the public can enter Lot D (Elm Street) starting at 8:45 p.m., with the show set to start at 9:15 p.m., weather dependent.
For the full E-Days schedule of events, go to