Ashley Spurgeon

New on The Conveyor Podcast: Shaping a Global Energy Future

John Bradford, vice president for global initiatives at Colorado School of Mines, discusses the new Global Energy Future Initiative
John Bradford

With much of the world looking at eliminating carbon emissions from the global energy economy, Colorado School of Mines experts are a trusted voice in the conversation when determining what materials and technology will make that future possible—and effective.

John Bradford, vice president for global initiatives at Mines, discusses the new Global Energy Future Initiative and the many changes and growth that will be required across many technologies, industries and more to ensure a thoughtful and efficient shift toward cleaner energy sources.

Listen to the latest episode of The Conveyor here or on your favorite podcast platform.

Ashley Spurgeon

Ashley Spurgeon

Editor, Mines Magazine
About Mines
Colorado School of Mines is a public R1 research university focused on applied science and engineering, producing the talent, knowledge and innovations to serve industry and benefit society – all to create a more prosperous future.