The Society for Women in Mathematics at Mines – better known as SWiM – has been honored for its professional development work by the Association of Women in Mathematics.
SWiM, the Mines student chapter of AWM, is the 2019 recipient of the Association of Women in Mathematics’ Professional Development Award. SWiM was recognized for its “the breadth and success of its program to develop students’ professional involvement in mathematics.”
AWM has more than 100 student chapters at universities across the U.S. and around the world. The organization recognizes those student chapters with four annual awards: for community outreach, fundraising, scientific excellence and professional development.
“The chapter does this through workshops, panels, discussions and social events on a bi-weekly schedule, providing opportunities for students interested in a career in mathematics and a space for students to feel comfortable in discussing topics related to women in mathematics,” AWM said in a press release. “Their goal is to not only expose students to a variety of different career options, mathematical paths and general professional advice, but also to empower them with the professional skills and confidence they will need as they move into the next stages of their careers.”
Among the topics of past SWiM workshops are negotiation, sexism and sexual harassment, job skills and professional communication, resume writing and presentation skills.
Advisors of the chapter are Applied Mathematics and Statistics Teaching Professor and Assistant Department Head Debra Carney, postdoctoral fellow Areeba Ikram, Associate Professor Karin Leiderman and Teaching Professor Becky Swanson. The 2018-2019 student officers were Leah Reeder, Shannon Bride, Lindsey Nield and Jaquelyn Miller.
The other 2019 award winners were the University of Kentucky (community outreach), Florida Atlantic University (fundraising/sustainability) and University of Houston (scientific excellence).