Federal Labs

“We are thrilled to be taking the relationship between Mines and Idaho National Laboratory to productive new heights that build on our research strengths and shared vision to create synergy in the national interest,” said Walter G. Copan, Mines vice president for research and technology transfer.
Department of Energy creates ambitious program to reduce carbon emissions by 50 to 52 percent by the end of the decade, secure a 100 percent clean electrical grid by 2035 and reach a net-zero carbon economy by 2050.
The two institutions to collaborate on projects involved with energy storage, high-temperature fuel cells, geothermal energy systems, nuclear fuel cycle and reactor engineering, environmental science, and next-generation mining science and engineering.
Representatives from the U.S. Geological Survey and Colorado School of Mines began a new chapter of their partnership on Nov. 13, breaking ground on an innovative USGS Energy and Minerals Research Building.