Humanitarian engineering

To kick off Alumni Weekend, the College of Engineering and Computational Science (CECS) hosted the Senior Design Trade Fair on April 24 in Lockridge Arena. Seventy alumni judges evaluated 42 design
Two College of Engineering and Computational Sciences Senior Design Program teams display the more human-oriented side of engineering CSM FourCross Mechanical engineering professor Joel Bach was at
By Andrew Hoffman The Oredigger Members of the Engineers Without Borders / Bridges to Prosperity (EWB/B2P) student organization at the Colorado School of Mines recently traveled to Nicaragua to
In March, two students from Mines’ Engineers Without Borders-Bridges to Prosperity club (EWB-B2P) and mentor Stephanie Fleckenstein will travel to Los Gomez, Nicaragua, to help the community stop one
A new program at Colorado School of Mines gives students an opportunity to address design challenges faced by local community partners. The Engineering by Doing (EbD) concept was inspired by the
By Taylor PolodnaThe Oredigger A group of Mines students, representing Engineers Without Borders-USA (EWB-USA), travelled down to Nicaragua to the small community of Los Gomez to complete a pedestrian
A group of current and former Mines students traveled to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, over spring break to work on home construction and in the schools of area favelas (slums). “Our main project was to
National Public Radio (NPR) Foreign Correspondent Deborah Amos shared experiences and insights from covering the Arab Spring in a special lecture of the Hennebach Program in the Humanities at Colorado
When Kevin Moore was a young associate professor at Idaho State University, he used to wear a tie to off-campus research team meetings. One day a colleague asked, “Kevin, why do you always wear a tie
Student clubs are all about building bridges. But in the case of the Mines chapter of Engineers Without Borders, students are literally building bridges. Four members of the Mines chapter made a