
GOLDEN, Colo., Dec. 1, 2015 – The Renewable Energy Materials Research Science and Engineering Center at Mines is providing $90,000 in seed funding each to five faculty projects that could lead to a
Williams GOLDEN, Colo., Nov. 2, 2015 – Professor of Chemistry and Geochemistry Kim Williams has been awarded $450,000 by the National Science Foundation to develop thermal field-flow fractionation as
Santiago Gonzalez, a graduate student in computer science, started his undergraduate degree at Mines in 2010 at the age of 12. He is currently teaching the Mines course, Operating Systems, and getting
GOLDEN, Colo., Oct. 16, 2015 – The Colorado Geological Survey (CGS) received $500,000 in matching funds through the U.S. Geological Survey’s 3D Elevation Program to collect high-resolution Light
A steady, reliable, enormous, practically inexhaustible, carbon-free source of electric power, one capable of producing three times the wattage the United States generates each year, is right under
Professor Braun and his research students in the Advanced Energy Systems Group. GOLDEN, Colo., Oct. 1, 2015 – Colorado School of Mines Department of Mechanical Engineering Associate Professor Rob
GOLDEN, Colo., Sept. 23, 2015 – Assistant Professor of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Geoff Brennecka has been awarded $150,000 over two years to produce prototype capacitors that will allow
From left, Brian Winkelbauer, president of the Colorado School of Mines Foundation; Professor Will Fleckenstein; Associate Professor Jorge Sampaio; Fersheed Mody, manager, Global Research and
Terri Hogue, professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director of the ConocoPhillips Center for a Sustainable WE²ST, and Andrea Blaine, assistant director of WE 2ST, have
GOLDEN, Colo., Sept. 7, 2015 – On May 25, 2014, the longest landslide in Colorado history devastated the small agricultural community surrounding West Salt Creek in Mesa County. Three people perished