The Center for Mining Sustainability will fund four new research projects focused on rare earth minerals, aquifer management, nature-based water treatment and the repurposing of mine tailings.
Mooney was honored for “his significant contributions to tunnel and earthwork construction technology, process improvement, and recognized leadership in underground construction research, education and outreach.”
Sana Zafar, PhD in civil and environmental engineering, was awarded the D. N.G. W. Cook PhD Dissertation Award for the best PhD thesis in rock mechanics at the 2024 US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
“We got to see (the building) go from a sketch on notebook paper to the real thing,” said Lindsey Nenne, one of the team’s construction leaders, who graduated in May with her bachelor’s degree in civil engineering.
If a tool breaks in space, the solution isn’t as easy as popping down to the hardware store to buy a new one. Mines researchers are conducting NASA-funded research that could lead to 3-D printing bioplastics in space for tool repairs and more.
Lori Tunstall, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at Colorado School of Mines, has received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award for her work on improving concrete durability with a focus on sustainability.