Mechanical engineering

Max Pisciotta, a master’s student in mechanical engineering at Colorado School of Mines, was recognized for the Best Graduate/Postdoc Poster at the 2018 oSTEM Annual Conference. Short for Out in
A pair of Colorado School of Mines-led teams have been awarded more than $2 million by the U.S. Department of Energy for research that could lower the cost of solar electricity. Greg Jackson
Colorado School of Mines has been awarded funding from the U.S. Department of Energy to develop an artificial intelligence-enabled robot capable of inspecting and repairing power plant boilers. Hao
Colorado School of Mines’ Mechanical Engineering Department hosted the 2nd Rocky Mountain Regional Haas Technical Educator Center (HTEC) CNC Educator Conference on Oct. 6. About 50 CNC educators, HTEC
Mohsen Asle Zaeem, associate professor of mechanical engineering at Colorado School of Mines, has been awarded funding from the U.S. Department of Energy for research on shape memory functional oxides
The Edgar Experimental Mine in Idaho Springs has long been a unique underground laboratory for future engineers, providing valuable experience to those being trained to find, develop and process
Researchers at Colorado School of Mines are co-investigators in a $2 million U.S. Department of Energy project to develop solar-powered desalination membrane technology that could help rural and
As the Mines Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation expands academic programs and entrepreneurial practices across campus, faculty engagement and training are critical for success. The Thomas R
Materials informatics is the next frontier of materials science, taking computational and machine learning tools and applying them to characterizing and discovering materials. A group of Colorado
Gregory Bogin Jr., associate professor of mechanical engineering at Colorado School of Mines, has been awarded funding to develop two new testing facilities to improve understanding of methane gas