Earth and Society

“Make Waves: Water in Contemporary Literature and Film” was published this month by the University of Nevada Press.
Garrett Gissler is exploring the geological events and processes that formed the Arista deposit in Mexico.
Persistent chemical compounds are lurking in our water supply, making their way into drinking water, agriculture and other consumables. How do we begin to treat this problem and make our water safe again?
Jim Crompton, a Colorado School of Mines alumnus and adjunct professor, has been honored with the 2019 Management and Information Award from the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
The work of the National Alliance for Water Innovation will focus on early-stage research and development of desalination technologies that are both energy efficient and cost competitive.
Researchers led by the Colorado School of Public Health at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have received notification of a $1 million, first-year grant from the Centers for Disease
Eleven students and one faculty member spent five weeks in Paris this summer for an introductory course on engineering thermodynamics, part of efforts by the Office of International Programs to expand
Will Fleckenstein, director of strategic relationships and enterprises for earth resource and environmental programs at Colorado School of Mines, was a featured speaker at the recent EnerCom Oil and
The Society for Women in Mathematics at Mines – better known as SWiM – has been honored for its professional development work by the Association of Women in Mathematics. SWiM, the Mines student
Drilling a single oil or natural gas well with hydraulic fracturing requires between 1.5 to 16 million gallons of water. When the well starts flowing, the fluid that is brought back to the surface