Frontline interviews Mines expert

Associate Professor Ron Cohen was interviewed for a Frontline documentary examining the controversy surrounding the proposed Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska.
July 25, 2012

Nature examines rare earth industry, interviews Mines expert

Nature interviews Corby Anderson, a metallurgical engineer at Mines, for a piece examining Japanese and Vietnamese efforts to break China's near monopoly on the rare earth industry.
July 13, 2012

MSNBC features space mining symposium at Mines

"Mining the plentiful resources of the moon and near-Earth asteroids could alter the course of human history, adding trillions of dollars to the world economy and spurring our species' spread out into the solar system, a new breed of space ....
June 28, 2012

7 News covers Mines study on wildfires and drinking water quality

7 News highlighted a new study conducted by Mines Civil and Environmental Engineering graduate students last semester that details how wildfires can be detrimental to drinking water quality and suggests what municipalities could do to respond to the ....
June 27, 2012

CBS 4 features Mines alum who designs Ping golf clubs

Marty Jertson graduated from Colorado School of Mines in 2002 with a mechanical engineering degree. Today he's applying his education to the game of golf, designing clubs for Ping. CBS 4 Denver highlighted Jerston in a recent piece.
June 18, 2012

CNBC turns to Mines expert on natural gas supply

"When President Barack Obama said in his State of the Union speech this year that the United States has a supply of natural gas that can last nearly 100 years, he was using a quick-and-dirty, back-of-the-envelope computation that is nonetheless ....
June 15, 2012

AP quotes Mines faculty member on seismic potential of 'fracking'

"The controversial practice of hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas does not pose a high risk for triggering earthquakes large enough to feel, but other types of energy-related drilling can make the ground noticeably shake, a major government ....
June 15, 2012

Forbes: Mines to work with DOE on deep water drilling safety

"The Department of Energy has selected 13 projects to enhance the environmental safety of deepwater drilling projects, particularly by improving the cement casing process that investigators cited as a cause of BP’s Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf ....
May 29, 2012

CNNMoney features Mines geophysics graduate

Aaron GirardMajored in GeophysicsClass of '07 Colorado School of Mines "The energy industry is just grasping at straws for people with geophysics experience."
May 18, 2012

Fox31 features Mines grad making six-figures right out of school

"David Clark’s life sure has changed. Just about four years ago he was a high school drop-out, making boxes for beer at the Coors brewery in Golden, pulling in about $10 an hour. 'It was really manual labor, it was hard work, and I felt I wasn’t ....
May 16, 2012

Denver Post features an exceptional Mines student athlete, Clay Garcia

"Clay Garcia put up staggering numbers as a college quarterback but got no invitations from NFL teams to attend training camp. That's fine with him. He has other plans. Much bigger plans. The former Colorado School of Mines star is headed to Houston ....
May 4, 2012

Al Jazeera examines French presidential campaign scandal, interviews Mines expert

"Days before French citizens head back to the booths in a run-off vote to elect their new president, the shadow of scandal has returned to the electoral campaign. Médiapart, a Paris-based investigative news site, published a 2006 document [Fr/Ar] on ....
May 4, 2012