Marquez Hall featured in Architectural Record

"Mike Bowker, CSM’s associate director for capital planning and construction, says Marquez Hall has effectively raised the bar for future architectural design at the university. Several projects—including a new sports complex, a 'welcome' center, and ....
November 7, 2013

The Daily Fusion reports on Mines' methanol fuel cell research

“Fuel cells require expensive platinum/carbon catalysts,” explained Ryan O’Hayre, Mines’ principle investigator for the project. “The idea that you can significantly boost their performance by adding abundant, inexpensive nitrogen is therefore ....
November 7, 2013

Science Daily features article on remote bomb detection project

Physics professor John Scales at the Colorado School of Mines is helping develop an acoustic bomb detection system as part of a major Office of Naval Research grant.
October 29, 2013

The Denver Post's reports on construction at Mines

The community news section of the Denver Post reports on construction of the new dining and residence halls that have been financed through bonds that will be paid back over time through room rental and food plan revenue. The article also mentions ....
October 18, 2013

The Golden Transcript reports on "Girl Scout Engineering Day" at Mines

October 11, 2013

Denver Post features food-waste-to-glass research at Mines

October 8, 2013

Jeff King featured in Fox31 story on contamination concerns at Rocky Flats following heavy rains

Dr. King visits the site with the reporter to test the soil for radiation.
September 30, 2013

Fleckenstein quoted in Denver Post article on flood-damaged oil fields

Department of Petroleum Engineering Department Head William Fleckenstein discusses the challenges well sites face in harsh weather.
September 17, 2013

The Denver Business Journal calls out Mines for top-earning degrees

September 6, 2013

Denver Post features Clear Creek Athletic Complex

The new athletic facility is privately funded, fundraising continues to go well and the campus community is looking forward to breaking ground.
September 4, 2013

The Denver Post reports on Mines' record fundraising

August 22, 2013

Denver Post reports on Mines' outstanding football team and QB Matt Brown

August 10, 2013