Peter Weddle received the honor, which recognizes the Mines doctoral graduate whose thesis demonstrates the greatest potential for societal impact, during the Fall 2019 Graduate Commencement ceremony on Dec. 13.
Winning the competition – and the $1,000 grand prize – was a solution for the thousands of obsolete airplanes currently warehoused in what are essentially plane graveyards.
Computer Science's Chuan Yue is leading a $1 million National Science Foundation project aimed at improving conditions for workers and job requesters alike on popular crowdsourcing platforms such as Amazon's Mechanical Turk.
A prosthetic device designed to give transgender men the functionality and look of a natal male penis is the winner of the Fall 2019 Capstone Design Showcase.
Mitch Cutts, lead singer, pianist and guitarist of Richy Mitch & The Coal Miners, is majoring in computer science and working to tour with his band in 2020.
Why did you choose to come to Mines? What have you enjoyed most about being here? Mines is one of the most reputable engineering schools in the nation, which is what attracted my attention in the
Parker Bolstad, an environmental engineering major, is the first Mines student to win the prestigious graduate fellowship to study at Tsinghua University in Beijing.