Chemical & Biological Engineering

Chemical and Biological Engineering Associate Professor Sumit Agarwal has been awarded $615,000 over four years by the U.S. Department of Energy SunShot Initiative to develop a scalable and more cost
Faculty in the departments of Chemistry and Chemical and Biological Engineering have been awarded $320,000 by the National Science Foundation to turn bacteria into a more sustainable source of jet
The William K. Coors Distinguished Chair was established in 1997 by the Adolph Coors Foundation in honor of William K. (“Bill”) Coors. Bill, the grandson of Adolph Coors, founder of Coors Brewing Company in Golden, is widely recognized for his game-changing technical innovations and leadership and will celebrate his 100th birthday this summer.
Three Mines students have been awarded fellowships to pursue part of their graduate thesis research at a Department of Energy laboratory, with access to the expertise, resources, and capabilities
Paul D. Ogg, teaching associate professor of chemical and biological engineering, passed away Wednesday, July 6, after an 18-month battle with T-cell lymphoma. Ogg joined Mines in 2006 as part of the
GOLDEN, CO, May 23, 2016 — A study featured on the front page of the journal Cytometry Part A is the latest result of a long-standing collaboration between Mines' Physics and Chemical and Biological
GOLDEN, Colo., March 25, 2016 – Colorado School of Mines won first place in the University of Denver’s Analytics Challenge earlier this month. Sponsored by Daniels College of Business, the competition
Undergraduates in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering are taking part in the American Institute of Chemical Engineers' Chem-E-Car Competition, building a car that uses chemical
This diagram illustrates the assemblage and rolling of the microwheels. GOLDEN, Colo., Jan. 6, 2016 – Biomedical microwheel research conducted by members of the Colorado School of Mines Department of
A Mines assistant professor of chemical and biological engineering is working to make the use of biofuel more viable for the U.S. military, particularly the Navy, with help from undergraduate and PhD