Colorado School of Mines alumni are routinely sought out by and hired into the aerospace industry, despite Mines not offering a dedicated bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering.
The Mines-ACC team beat out collegiate automotive powerhouses across North America for the first honor of the three-year competition. In this first year, teams were judged on the design of their electric vehicle battery packs.
The three federal awards boost funding for fuel cell and hydrogen technologies research at Mines, reflecting growing support in the U.S. for their potential to provide sustainable domestic energy with net zero emissions.
Anne Silverman, associate professor of mechanical engineering at Mines, is one of five co-principal investigators for the new institute dedicated to improving our understanding of muscle mechanics and control.
The Mines-ACC team is one of just 12 selected across North America for the three-year competition in which student teams are tasked to design, build, test and integrate an advanced EV battery into a future Stellantis vehicle