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“The core of the existing relationship between Mines and NREL is materials science for renewable energy," said Ryan M. Richards, professor of chemistry and the Mines lead of Nexus. "Through this seed funding, we were able to create new connections from Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Petroleum Engineering, Civil Engineering."
In addition to monitoring and listening to ambient noise including the local construction work, the class hopes to record local and distant earthquakes from around the globe.
In findings published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Science, Mines' Danica Roth and colleagues quantitatively showed – for the first time – just how the post-wildfire landscape can impact how sediment moves downslope.
A Mines alumnus, Squier was recognized for his “seminal contributions to ultrafast optical technology, including the first ultrafast Ti:sapphire regenerative amplifier," among other accomplishments.
The American Energy Society rankings recognized Mines for "excellence in all fields, from fossil to sustainable materials and renewable energy”
A new statewide transfer agreement will make it simpler for community college students across Colorado to transfer into Colorado School of Mines’ undergraduate computer science program.
Why did you choose to come to Mines? What have you enjoyed most about being here? I came to Mines to receive the best engineering education I could. Mines also runs in my family so that helped as well
More than 8,000 interviews and conversations took place between students and employers over the first two Fall Career Days. The third and final day is set for October 17.
Led by Mines' Office of Global Initiatives and the Payne Institute for Public Policy, the CCUS initiative will be interdisciplinary across Mines departments.
Why did you choose to come to Mines? What have you enjoyed most about being here? Mines first appealed to me because it seemed like there was a large focus on the practicality of education. It was