The Edgar Experimental Mine in Idaho Springs has long been a unique underground laboratory for future engineers, providing valuable experience to those being trained to find, develop and process
As the Mines Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation expands academic programs and entrepreneurial practices across campus, faculty engagement and training are critical for success. The Thomas R
Materials informatics is the next frontier of materials science, taking computational and machine learning tools and applying them to characterizing and discovering materials. A group of Colorado
A computer science professor at Colorado School of Mines is contributing to a collaborative research project that aims to pinpoint and resolve scalability issues in the software stack of multi-core
Six Colorado School of Mines professors have been named Daniels Fund Faculty Fellows for the 2018-2019 school year. Each professor will receive $5,000 to integrate ethics into their courses
Tracy Camp, professor and head of the Computer Science Department at Colorado School of Mines, was honored with the 2018 Computer Science and Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award from the Michigan
Lodewijk “Lou” Brand, a doctoral student in computer science at Colorado School of Mines, has been awarded a fellowship from the U.S. Department of Defense. The highly competitive Science, Mathematics
Colorado School of Mines is among four institutions to receive the 2018 NCWIT Surging Enrollment Seed Fund. Sponsored by the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT), the Surging
Colorado School of Mines will showcase the innovative, creative and entrepreneurial spirit of its students during a new weeklong celebration culminating with the university’s hosting of The Wright
A virtual reality app that encourages people with neck injuries to do muscular exercises, an automated parking lot assistant to help find that elusive parking spot on campus and an inventory tracking