Computer science

Why did you choose to come to Mines? What have you enjoyed most about being here? Mines has a great reputation in creating world-class engineers. As soon as I decided to become one, I knew Mines would
A new statewide transfer agreement will make it simpler for community college students across Colorado to transfer into Colorado School of Mines’ undergraduate computer science program.
“It was quite literally the best professional development I’ve ever had as a teacher,” said Jocelyn Nguyen-Reed of Cherry Creek Innovation Campus.
“Artificial intelligence is certainly on the rise and has been for several years,” said Tracy Camp, department head and professor of computer science at Mines. “There’s just so much in our world today where we can use machine learning or AI to improve on our society or lives.”
A team of Mines professors have received National Science Foundation funding to develop computational tools to predict COVID-19 infections at individual and population levels.
The Goldwater is the preeminent undergraduate scholarship in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering in the U.S.
“Quantum technology could revolutionize computing, communication, sensing and more, but critical workforce shortages are threatening to hamper progress,” said Eliot Kapit, associate professor of physics.
The new graduate program will capitalize on the university’s deep expertise in field robotics and its niche in the geosciences and extractive industries.
It's not so much about make-believe but rather robots' ability to continually adapt to new scenarios without having to physically experience them first, the computer science assistant professor said.
Two Mines students were part of the team that developed the first-of-its-kind tangible programming experience for beginners.