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Dr. Roderick Eggert testified before the U.S. House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy & Mineral Resources on critical minerals and the structure and role of the U.S. Geological Survey’s critical minerals list.
More than 400 employers were on campus Sept. 12-13 to recruit Mines students and alumni during Fall Career Days, with different companies in attendance each day.
Mines student and faculty researchers are collaborating with industry partner Lunar Outpost to compete in NASA's Break the Ice Challenge for the chance to win $1.5 million in prizes to further develop an ice-digging lunar rover.
Yvette Kuiper, associate professor of geology and geological engineering at Colorado School of Mines, has been elected a fellow of the Geological Society of America. Fellowship in the Geological
Sponsored by the McNeil Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, the Hearts and Gears: Innovating Mobility Challenge offered first-year students an early experience with the entrepreneurship and innovation landscape at Mines: collaborative, forward-thinking and human centered.
Two Colorado School of Mines graduate students are finalists in NASA’s Watts on the Moon Challenge, a competition to design and create a system to distribute, manage and store energy on the Moon’s
The 190,000-square-foot building will be occupied by USGS researchers, Mines faculty and students working side by side, with the intent to expand upon the two institutions’ long-standing partnership and history of collaborative research.
Colorado School of Mines is excited to welcome 41 new faculty members for the 2023-24 academic year. The Fall 2023 semester at Mines began Aug. 21.
Matthew Siegfried, assistant professor of geophysics, is one of five co-authors on a new paper published Aug. 18 in Science Advances.
Jacob Grasmick, PhD’ 19 in underground construction and tunneling, is finding real world applications for his dissertation research